Thursday, June 27, 2013

Fwd: has shared: Garden with Garbage: 10 Foods You Can Grow from Scraps -

Garbage Gardening

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Date: Thu, Jun 27, 2013 at 2:02 PM
Subject: has shared: Garden with Garbage: 10 Foods You Can Grow from Scraps -

Garbage Gardening
Garden with Garbage: 10 Foods You Can Grow from Scraps -


What if we told you there are ways you can save food scraps from landfills without composting them, and you could save money on your grocery bill at the same time? sent this using ShareThis. Please note that ShareThis does not verify the ownership of this email address.

Fwd: has shared: 5 Steps to Successful Seed Saving -

Seed Saving made easy

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Date: Thu, Jun 27, 2013 at 2:01 PM
Subject: has shared: 5 Steps to Successful Seed Saving -

Seed Saving
5 Steps to Successful Seed Saving -


Home gardeners understand that growing your own fruits and vegetables comes with variety of benefits including buying less from the grocery store, knowing exactly where your food came from and generally being a little more self-sufficient. A great way to ... sent this using ShareThis. Please note that ShareThis does not verify the ownership of this email address.

Fwd: homemade fabric softener

recipes for homemade fabric softener.

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From: Sab Carey <>
Date: Tue, Jun 25, 2013 at 1:39 PM
Subject: homemade fabric softener
To: S Carey <>

While looking for greener cleaning ideas for a newsletter at work, I ran across this article about natural homemade fabric about Eco-Logical (the name of my newsletter section) both economical and ecological!

Monday, June 24, 2013

Found a recipe to make homemade soap without lye. Sounds easy and can be customized with your own favorite essential oils and/or fragrances. Ahhh..I feel myself relaxing already!

June deworming dogs

Dewormed dogs on June 14. Couldn't deworm Bullseye because he wouldn't come to me.
Zinc 1ml
Kaluha .75ml
Tuxedo .50ml
Bully should have gotten .30 ml..I'll have to trick him to take it later.

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Fwd: has shared: Clean Your Whole House with Vinegar, Baking Soda and Lemon -

Found this awesome article on cleaning with natural more earth friendly products. We already do some cleaning with vinegar and with baking soda, but I didn't know that vinegar could disinfect, get rid of mold in the shower grout and kill E Coli and Salmonella bacteria! The website where I found this article has a lot of great eco-friendly ideas and tips..well duh...of course it does..the website is called . :-)

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From: "" <>
Date: Jun 10, 2013 2:45 PM
Subject: has shared: Clean Your Whole House with Vinegar, Baking Soda and Lemon -
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Clean Your Whole House with Vinegar, Baking Soda and Lemon -
People have been cleaning with kitchen staples for eons. If you clean with these items, you may buy less, spend less money and have fewer harsh chemicals to worry about. sent this using ShareThis. Please note that ShareThis does not verify the ownership of this email address.

Friday, June 7, 2013

Watch "Back to the Start" on YouTube sent you a video: "Sustainability explained through animation" has shared a video with you on YouTube
Cartoon explaining sustainability
Sustainability explained through animation
Watch this short animated movie explaining sustainability created for RealEyes by Igloo Animations
©2013 YouTube, LLC 901 Cherry Ave, San Bruno, CA 94066 sent you a video: "Mr Box - A Short Film on Sustainability" has shared a video with you on YouTube
Mr. Box-A short film on sustainability
Mr Box - A Short Film on Sustainability
by C4LV1N0
An animation film that won The Filmmaker's Achievement Award for the Outlook for Someday film competition. The fim shows us how bad the world has gotten in relation to how is has been. Hopefullt this encourages you to make a change for the better.

By Calvin Sang
©2013 YouTube, LLC 901 Cherry Ave, San Bruno, CA 94066

Natural Mosquito and Gnat repellent

Mosquitoes do not like the citrus in oranges and lemons; these fruits are a natural deterrent to these pests. So next time you go outside, eat an orange and then rub the peel on your skin.  You can also collect the orange peels and spread them on the ground around your outdoor seating area.  It is also suggested that orange peels repel ants, so wherever you have an ant problem, make a pile of orange peels.  Lemon peels have the same repelling effect on mosquitoes and gnats so, the next time you are sitting outside enjoying a glass of lemonade, slice a fresh lemon, squeeze it into your glass and then rub the peel on your skin. Natural, safe and you will smell lemony fresh!

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

enzyme cleaner

Found this recipe while searching for good earth-wise and earth freindly links to include on our enviornmental sustainability webpage at work. Thought I'd capture this one and give it a try at home as well.

Citrus Enzyme Cleaner Recipe

May 16, 2012 by 68 Comments

Have you heard of citrus enzyme? Me neither until I read about a month ago how it cleans a.n.y.t.h.i.n.g. and everything.

And you know me – I want easy peasy but natural ways to clean. I even made my own soft scrub for scrubbing my bathtub because I hate the smell of commercial brands of scrubbers.

So when I read that a citrus enzyme can basically clean anything, I had to try it. But then I heard that it required 3 months of fermentation! That's like a whole trimester of pregnancy! For a baby, I'd understand but not for a cleaner. Besides, my house can't wait that long.

Then, I wondered if I can cut that time down by forcing it to ferment faster.


Well, after weeks of tweaking here and there, this is how I made my citrus enzyme.

You'll Need:

  • 2 Liter Wide Mouth Bottle -I used an old orange juice bottle from a neighbor's recycling bin. Yeah, I do that a lot – steal from neighbor's recycling bin. I chose this brand because it had a wide mouth and it was easier to squeeze the peels in.
  • 2 C or Enough citrus fruit peels to fit half the bottle. Oranges, Lemons, Lime,
  • 1/2 C Brown Sugar (Note: a reader said she used white sugar and it was fine too.)
  • 1 Tsp of active yeast
  • 1 Liter of water
  • Funnel – to add brown sugar
  • Strainer or cheese cloth
  • 1 C Apple Cider Vinegar AFTER the enzyme is done fermenting

Pick a bottle that has a wide mouth and make sure to follow the proportions in this recipe. Do NOT double the recipe in this bottle. Chop up any citrus fruit scraps into chunks that will fit into the opening of the bottle. Add water, sugar, yeast, and shake for about 30 seconds. Then, close the cap LOOSELY so the trapped air can escape and not build up in the bottle.

You'll see the foam on the top in a day or two because of yeast fermentation. Shake the bottle daily for the first few days to mix the yeast and let out the air.


Do you see the bulging right side from gas build up?


After about 2 weeks, the enzyme will look opaque. Strain the pulp and the peel.


Add apple cider vinegar to the liquid and store the liquid in a glass jar. You can create an all-purpose cleaner spray bottle with 1:10 ratio to water and clean away to your heart's content!

Or, you can use the concentration amounts that are appropriate for other cleaning uses.


Here is how to use this enzyme in laundry detergent laundry detergernt WITHOUT Borax and dishwasher detergent dishwashing soap WITHOUT Borax.

Why bother with citrus enzyme? What'd the big deal?

My main purpose for making citrus enzyme is to add it to my dishwasher. And I'll tell you why tomorrow. But believe me when I tell you – this citrus enzyme cleaner WORKS on so many other things, in addition to dishwashing!!

And, citrus enzyme cleaners is great because it's:

1. Natural
2. Cheap since you are using up kitchen scraps
3. Effective
4. Easy to make

It is great:

  1. for dishes and laundry (use 1/4 cup of enzyme)
  2. for washing bathrooms and toilets. grime comes off easily (1 part enzyme to 10 parts water)
  3. for removing stubborn stains and odors (colored fabrics and floors-used undiluted)
  4. to clean vegetables and fruits (1 part enzyme to 10 parts water)
  5. clear blockages in kitchen sinks and drains (use concentrated or blended pulp/sludge of enzyme)
  6. as a natural insect repellent (use undiluted) for ants, cockroaches
  7. for mopping floors (1 part enzyme to 20 parts water)
  8. as fertilizer for plants (use 1 part enzyme to 20 parts water, or use the leftover mop water)
  9. as a skincare product, e.g. facial cleanser or toner (1 part enzyme to 2 parts water)
  10. wash cars – cars will look as if they have just been polished! (1 part enzyme to 20 parts water)

Convinced yet? Thought so. More reasons to eat citrus fruits!

Monday, June 3, 2013

Deworming donkeys~kinda

Ok. The mosquitoes are out in full on assault. My poor donkeys were being annihilated. I rubbed them down with skin so soft..they stopped flickin and snortimg right away. I dewormed Moon Rabbit with anthelcide (oxibendazole) with a 600 lb dose. Of course Lotus wouldn't let me dose her. I need the apple flavored dewormer for Miss Priss. :)